Yu-Gi-Oh Scrapebook

About Us

Spoiler Gallery


Episode Guide

Reviews and Previews

Cards for Sale

Vee's Favorite Links

Veedra's Guest Book

Welcome to the Yu-gi-Oh Scrapebook!!
Please take the poll cause it'll affect the website after it is taken down, which will be a few days from now. Thank you

Current website Updates!!
July 7th: Spoiler Gallery updated
July 5th: Episode Guide updated
July 4th: Spoiler gallery updated
June 28th: Episode Guide updated.
June 24th: Poll has begun.
June 23rd: Reviews and Previews updated.
March 7th, 2003: Renamed Yu-Gi-Oh Scrapebook Website, under construction!!
May 21,2002: Yugi and Yami's Scrapebook is born...

Episode 164- Orichalcos Soljaer
(What coming on in Japan!)

Airs July 22nd 2003. No new episodes on July 15th. For more information go to http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/yuugiou/ for a preview clip of the episode (website in japanese, and must have Realplayer to see preview).

~Poll of the Month~

I know have a chatting place on AIM and MSN instant message, where you can actually speak with the YGO cast!! just go on around 7pm (eastern time) to see them!! My AIM SN is Yami Veedragon and my MSN email is yugiaveedragon@hotmail.com

Contact us!!
Any comments? email us
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