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Review Page
This page gives constant reviews for anything new and about in the Yu-Gi-Oh world.

  Pharaonic Guardian The newest Trading Card set is going to be release in July at most. Not much is known at the moment about what cards are in this set. Powerful in a "your opponents are history" kind of way.

  Yu-Gi-Oh: Trading Pins
The Trading Pins are out and they come with a keychain or a box. These are very special collector pins and they're only out for a limited of time, so if you're starting pin collecting, already a pin collector or maybe just a YGO fanactic, I suggest you buy them. They're .99 each for the ones that come with the keychain, box prices unknown.

  Yu-Gi-Oh: Volume 1
Though I'm not really sure when the Graphic Novel of Yu-Gi-Oh was released. I would say it was the 4th of June and not the 14th (One Piece Graphic Novel comes out that day). Anyway, the first book of Yu-Gi-oh has 7 chapters (or duels) meaning Shonen Jump issue #1-3 and the first one-third of #4. It has everything that was in SJ with some added pictures and information. If you're a big fan of YGO but don't want to bother getting the mangas that you already read in SJ, just get the first one. Possibly Rate the book 6 out of ten but only because I subscribe to SJ and know all the stories in the first one. People who don't get SJ, but love YGO, I suggest you buy this book.