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This page has been renamed as the profile page and gives small information about the main characters of the story and possible the most recent characters to appear on TV. The current special profile is on Lumis and Umbra

Yugi Mutou and Yami Yugi
Both Yugi and Yami had rough beginnings, but they seem to sort things out when things get tough. Their roads in the future will definitly get even tougher as the series goes. Things get worse now with Marik roaming around the city trying all his might to kill Yami after what he did in his past, when it was not even him from the start. Yugi has come a long way, from a shy little kid to a couragous person that'll do anything to help a friend. Yami has too, and now searches for his lost memory, by entering the Battle city Torunament, and with Yugi helping him along the way it seems that Yami will have his wish.
Seto Kaiba and Mokuba Kaiba
Sent to an orphanage at young ages, Seto has grown up knowing only power. Mokuba has been Seto's side since the beggining and stays right behind him, even if he's doing something bad. Both Mokuba and Seto have been adopted by Kasaro Kaiba the orignal owner of KaibaCorp. Whatever happened to the Kaiba bros. real parents is still mystery. Seto's long time dream was to create a theme park that can bring joy to children and he's on the right track after he made KaibaLand that is. His current status is going after Yugi and reclaiming his spot as the top duelist of all by creating a tournamment in Domino City now called Battle City. But things are getting out of control as the Rare Hunters try to spoil their fun.
Tea(Anzu) Gardner
Tea is the cheerleader of the team and always wants to help her bestest friends who are in need. She also has a small...ok maybe not so small crush with Yami. Her most wanted career is to be a dancer and she has been to many auditions but have failed on all of them. She hasen't given up on her dream yet and she now hangs around Domino City cheering on for Yugi and Joey in the Battle City Tournament, and hopes to help Yami find his past.

Joey Wheeler (Katsuya Jonouchi) and Tristan Taylor (Honda Hiroto)
Joey and Tristan have been buddies for a long time, yet they still have their disagreements. Joey is more of a attack then ask questions kind of person, but it usually brings him luck. Joey is probably the luckiest duelist known, his deck is made of mostly gambling cards, and he always hope Lady Luck is behind him. Tristan on the other hand is more of a logical person, and has an huge major crush with Serenity, which Joey isn't taking so well. Tristan is right behind Joey and helps him through tough times. They're two of a kind that they are. Yugi didn't come into the picture until he came and protect them when Ushio tried to bully them, since then Joey and Tristan have been good friends with Yugi. Now if they can both just stop arguing with each other...
Lumis and Umbra (Special Profiles)
Both Lumis and Umbra are Rare hunters that duel as a team and they tend to use many cards with the word "Mask" in it, since they too where mask. Lumis is the one with the white mask, Umbra with the black and red mask. Lumis is usually the magic/trap holder while Umbra tends to be the Monster holder. The duo seems to be the best of the best but there are some flaws. Once in a while they will argue with each other and this cause problems with their strategies. If they don't argue they might be able to beat anyone, but that's if they can.
Marik Ishtar
Marik Ishtar is the leader of the Rare Hunters and also raise to protect the secrets of the Pharaoh's past. Yet he betrayed his family and now searches revenge. Marik's past has been a harsh one, with many pains and suffering. He now wants to kill Yami Yugi for what he did in the past, and also wants to have the Pharaoh's powers by collecting all the God Cards. He now holds God of Ra which can only be summon if the summoner is in Marik's family. He also has a dark spirit within him, that has been with him since the ritual he had to go through (the carvings on his back) and can only be contain if Odion is around. Odion is Marik's closest friend and he trust him very much, even though he punishes him sometimes. Marik has a very vivid personality that makes him sometimes unpredicatble. What will happen to Marik if the dark spirit ever does come back?