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Episode Guide
This page has information of current episodes recently aired or will be aired. The Episode Guide will start at Tsunami's Rage pt. 2 and continue on from there. |

~Preview of Next Episode~ UPDATE!
In the next episode of Yu-Gi-Oh, As the duel between Joey and Yugi continues, Marik forces Joey to break the puzzle, but the Joey within remembers what happened before Yugi and Joey were friends. The weaken Red Eyes could do nothing as Yugi conintues to duel and get Joey's mind back, before he falls into the ocean, since it now seems hopeless that Yugi will win. And it seems Mai wants to help out too! Will Duke, Serenity, Tristan and Mai make it in time and help at all? And is Yugi about to breathe his final breath?
~Joey's Betrayel Pt. 1~
As an injured Yami struggles back to his feet after being hit with the impact of Joey's Fire Ball, Joey laughs maliciously as he explains that he doesn't need monsters in order to destroy Yami. Yami tells Marik that he would never get his God card and tries to get Joey's mind back, but Joey tells him that he doesn't have one. Watching the duel from a nearby shipyard, Marik is confident that Yami won't be able to break Joey free and that he'll soon have his God Card.
However Yugi is not willing to give up so easily and he contacts Yami, asking that he takes over the duel, hoping that he may be able to save Joey by appealing to his heart. Yami is worried that his partner may not be able to survive the intensity of the duel, but Yugi explains that he needs to do this to prove his friendship for Joey and that he can win on his own, prove that he could something by himself. Reluctantly agreeing, Yami explains that if Yugi gets into danger he will take over immediately.
As Marik realises what has happened, and that Yami is no longer in charge of Yugi's body, he is furious that he will not be able to exact his revenge on Yami, however he is confident that if things get too bad for Yugi that Yami will be forced to take over. As Yugi prepares to take his next turn, Yami tells him that there is only one card that can free Joey from Marik's control, Joey's Red-Eyes Black Dragon.
Elsewhere in Domino, Tristan and Serenity are being chased by the Rare Hunters but as they try to escape down an alleyway they find themselves surrounded. Tristan tries his best to fight off all three hunters but one grabs Serenity. Tristan thought they had them beaten, then a small die flies out of nowhere and smacks the third hunter in the face.
As everyone looks on surprised, Duke Devlin approaches from the shadows. While the Rare Hunters are distracted, Tristan and Serenity run out of the alley, closely followed by Duke.
Back at the harbour, Yugi draws the Red-Eyes but isn't sure that it will be enough to save Joey. As Joey calls for Yugi to make his next move, Yugi contemplates summoning the Red-Eyes but Yami is not sure that that is the best way to help his friend. As Kaiba wonders what Yugi is playing at, Téa calls out to Joey to try and break free, trying to remind him of the friendship symbol they drew before Yugi first dueled Kaiba.
Determined to save his friend, Yugi plays Exchange, a move that shocks Kaiba but pleases Joey. As his brainwashed friend approaches his side of the field so that the two can exchange one card from each other's hand, seeing his Red-Eyes in Yugi's posession shocks Joey. Marik demands that Joey takes the powerful Dragon, however Joey is unable to do it and eventually takes Card Destruction instead.
As Joey claims that he doesn't need the Red-Eyes in order to win, Yugi takes Magic-Arm Shield from Joey's hand and tells Marik that Joey's mind is still in there and he will get him back. However as Yugi sacrifices Big Shield Gardna and Kuriboh to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon (2400/2000) Marik is worried that he may be losing his control over Joey. And to make matters worse, Odion returns at that moment to inform Marik that the Rare Hunters lost Tristan and Serenity.
Wasting no time, Yugi wipes out Joey's Alligator's Sword (J's LP: 2400) as he explains that the Red-Eyes wants Joey back. However Joey is not bothered by this and is determined that he can still win. Worried by the rage that still resides within Joey, Yami tries to persuade Yugi to let him take over again but Yugi refuses, instead taking off the Puzzle, telling Yami that he needs to win or lose this duel on his own. Joey wonders what Yugi is doing, but doesn't worry too much as he plays yet another Fire Ball(Y's LP: 1000).
Back in town, the Rare Hunters have lost Tristan, Serenity and Duke, not realizing that they are in fact hiding in a truck right near them. Tristan asks Duke why he is here and he explains that he wanted to check out Battle City and wanted to see how Yugi was doing in the tournament. As Tristan explains to Duke just who Serenity is, as Duke remembers when he had Joey in a dog suit when he found out Serenity was his sister. Tristan goes on to explain that those robe guys have been trying to capture him and Sereniy but he doesn't know why they're coming after him and Serenity. Realizing this, Tristan believes that the others are also in grave danger.
Serenity is worried as to where Joey is and with just cause. As Yugi struggles back to his feet after yet another Fire Ball attack. He wanted to give joey something precise to him, since there is a chance that Yugi might lose. Summoning Rocket Warrior, Joey also plays Additition before attacking Yugi's Red-Eye, reducing it's ATK to just 400. Upset by Joey's cruel actions, Yugi continues to struggle on around to where Joey is standing and Joey is also shocked by the pain he has inflicted to his own trasured monster.
Finally reaching his brainwashed friend, Yugi puts the Millennium Puzzle around Joey's neck, asking him to protect it after the duel ends and it was Yugi's precise gift to him. |
~Joey's Betrayel Pt. 1~
As Marik, Téa and Joey await Yugi's arrival at Domino Harbour, Odion approaches Marik, bringing with him 12 Locator Cards that he has earned by dueling other Battle City duelists. Marik is pleased with Odion's success and taking 6 of the cards for himself he tells Odion to take the other 6 himself so that they can both enter the Battle City finals. Marik orders Odion to give the extra cards to Joey and combine his deck with it. Marik so very proud of his plan, thinking that it should be flawless and he will soon have his God Card.
As the helicopter approaches the docks, Kaiba is quiting their little "teamwork" as soon as they land. All he wanted was that God Card, and not having a care in the world about Yugi's friends, which sort of made him kinda angry. Mokuba sees Joey and calls for the chopper to land, however as Yugi approaches his friend, Marik is inside Joey's head, willing him to duel Yugi for his God Card or his friends would suffer.
Yugi tries to break Joey from Marik's control, but his brainwashed friend is hostile towards him, and as Yugi tells Joey to wake up he told them that were suppose to put and end to Marik. Ignoring this Joey explains that only one of them will survive the duel, Kaiba is intrigued to see what Yugi will do, but as Yugi tries to convince Joey that this is not how either of them wanted their rematch to happen Joey tells Yugi to follow him to their duel arena.
As the two approach a small platform over the water, Téa, also controlled by Marik, approaches from on board a nearby ship and informs Yugi that he won't be able to free Joey from his control and that Joey's mind is now in my complete control. Arriving at the sea platform, Téa holds up two foot chains and attaches one to Joey's leg and one to Yugi's. She explains that the chains are connected to an anchor which will drop 30 seconds after one of them loses the duel, giving the winner enough time to claim the key that they will need to escape from a box by their feet.
Yugi refuses to duel under such conditions, however by now Téa has made her way back to shore where she has been secured into a metal seat. She explains that the anchor is also connected to a 60 minute timer that will cause it to be released at that when it reaches zero even if neither duelist has won by that time. Shocked to hear this, Kaiba tries to put an end to the duel however a Rare Hunter drives onto the scene in a crane with a large metal container dangling from the hook. Marik explains that if anybody attempts to stop the duel between Yugi and Joey, he will release the container and it will crush Téa where she sits.
With all the facts explained, Marik frees Téa from his control to allow her to watch the duel, however she is both frightened and confused as she regains consciousness, not knowing what has happened to her or Joey. Worried for his friend's safety, Yugi demands that Marik release Téa but he refuses and makes a demand of his own; that Yugi must not have Slifer the Sky Dragon in his deck during the duel. As Yugi takes out his card pouch to put Slifer into it, he spots Joey's Red-Eyes in the pouch and adds it to his deck, hoping that it may help him to free Joey from Marik's control.
Throwing his card pouch to the side of the platform where it will be safe, Yugi prepares for the harshest duel he has ever had to face against the best friend he has ever had. However as he and Joey begin their duel, neither of them know what is happening to Tristan and Serenity elsewhere in Domino.
Having arrived in Domino, Tristan realises that he has no idea as to where Joey has gone and tries to call Téa's cell phone, however he cannot get a connection because it has been smashed by the Rare Hunters. As he tries to work out where to go next to look for his friends, neither he or Serenity realise that they are being watched by a team of Rare Hunters.
Back at the harbour, Yugi is determined to find a way to save Joey without winning the duel as he makes his first move and summons Gazelle, King of Mythical Beasts (1500/1200) in Defence Mode. However as Joey's turn begins, he plays Raigeki destroying Yugi's Gazelle, before summoning Alligator's Sword (1500/1200). With no monsters to defend Yugi, Joey delivers a direct attack at his opponent's life points (Yugi's LP: 2500).
Not wishing to face another attack, Yugi summons Big Shield Gardna (100/2600) in Defence Mode, however as Joey's next turn begins he plays Hinotama, inflicting 500 points of Direct Damage to Yugi's Life Points (Yugi's LP: 2000).
Meanwhile somewhere near the docks on a boat, Odion approaches Marik in a nearby shipyard to inform him that Joey's sister have been spotted and are curently being followed. Pleased by this information, Marik informs Odion that the she must be captured as soon as possible. As Marik returns his focus to the duel, he gets inside Joey's head once again, willing him to beat Yugi like crazy.
Desperately seeking a way to awaken Joey's heart before things are too late, Yugi prepares to draw his next card, however as the two continue to duel things are starting to go from bad to worse for Serenity and Tristan. As Tristan apologises to Serenity for not knowing where her brother is, the two are surrounded by the trio of Rare Hunters, but rather than stay and fight Tristan tells Serenity to climb onto his back and the two make a run for safety.
Still confused as to what is happening, as Téa remembers what Ishizu told her and Yugi about the new threat, the Rare Hunter in the crane warns her to keep quiet or else he will release the container. Although worried by he current situation, Téa calls to Kaiba and Mokuba to stop the duel but they refuse to do it.
Annoyed by Yugi's stalling, Joey demands that Yugi makes his next move so Yugi sets one card before summoning Kuriboh (300/200) in Attack Mode. Although confused by Yugi's decision to summon such a pathetic monster in Attack Mode, Joey is sure that Yugi is surrendering, however as his Alligator's Sword attacks Yugi reveals his set card is in fact the Spellbinding Circle.
Although it looks like Yugi may not be giving up just yet, Kaiba is still not sure that Yugi will be able to win and neither is Téa as she calls for the two friends to stop fighting. However as Joey plays Hinotama once again (Yugi's LP: 1500) and Yugi reels from the direct attack, Marik is pleased that things are going exactly to plan.
~ The Way of a Duelist ~
As the prelimary duels continue throughout Domino, the normal residents are beginning to get frustrated by the fact that all of the roads have been blocked off. However as one driver tries to force his way through the dueling masses, a policeman requests that he backs up, explaining that the whole city is under the control of Seto Kaiba for the duration of the tournament and that the roads are off limits to cars.
Elsewhere in the city, Yami, Mokuba and Kaiba are on their way to the Rare Hunter's hideout by helicopter, hoping to find Joey and Tea unharmed by Marik. Seeing this as his opportunity to find out just what has been happening since the start of the tournament, Kaiba asks Yugi who Marik is . Explaining that he has never actually met or seen Marik, Yugi explains that the only thing he knows for sure is that Marik is able to control people through the power of the Millennium Rod.
Still not convinced by the mystical powers of the Millennium Items, Kaiba mocks Yami's conviction that the Items each have abilities and even as Yugi reminds Kaiba of how his soul was sealed away by Pegasus's Millennium Eye, Kaiba is still not convinced, still demanding that what Pegasus did to him and Mokuba was some kind of trick. Even so, Yami continues to try and prove the abilities of the Miillenniumm Items to Kaiba by explaining that although he appears to be Yugi he is in fact the spirit of an unnamed Pharaoh who's soul had been sealed away within the Millennium Puzzle.
Kaiba said it was a lie, but then Kaiba remembers what Ishiizu told him. He is sure that Yugi has merely been tricked by Ishizu's stories. However Yami continues with his story, explaining how Marik, through the bodies of the Rare Hunter and Arkana, has told him about the powers of the Millennium Rod and the power of the Pharaoh are connected to the Millennium Items and the three God Cards.
Yami explains that Marik is trying to collect all three of the God Cards to take over the world, but while Mokuba is worried and shocked by this fact Kaiba is still not convinced, even as Yugi reminds him of how Marik threatened to turn Yami's friends against him. A stubborn Kaiba is still not convinced, however Yugi is worried that Joey may be in grave danger.
As Kaiba insults Joey's skills as a duelist, Yami tells him to stop being so rude and reminds Kaiba of Joey's three amazing successes in the preliminary round of the tournament. However as he remembers how well his friend has done, Yami is worried for Joey's safety but is determined not to give in to the Rare Hunters. As they approach the hideout, Yami hopes everything will be alright, as a duel to the death is about to begin...
~Tag Team Takedown Pt. 4~
As Lumis prepares to attack Yugi with his new Masked Monster,but Umbra tries to convince him that he should destroy Kaiba's Blue-Eyes first and, when Lumis refuses, Kaiba agrees with his opponent, challenging Lumis to dare to attack his Dragon. Taking the bait, Lumis destroys Kaiba's dragon, allowing Yugi's turn to begin.
As Yugi's Life Points fall by another 1000 (Yugi's LP: 500), Yugi is determined to avenge the destruction of the Blue-Eyes as he informs Umbra and Lumis that they have fallen into his trap. Summoning Gamma, the Magnet Warrior (1500/1800), Yugi activates the special effect of the his three magnetic monsters to fuse them into Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (3500/3850). Kaiba demands that Yugi should attack them, but Yugi is still suspicious of Lumis's monster and is hesitant to attack.
While Kaiba is furious at Yugi's hesitation, Yugi sets one card before explaining that anger only leads to mistakes and they they need to find a different way to win. Even though he was getting more irritated by Yugi he realise that Yugi is referring to Obelisk, Kaiba suspects that Yugi intends him to use Soul Exchange to summon the monster, however he is not sure how Yugi intends to manage it. As Yugi decides that the time has come to attack, he destroy the Des Guardius only to find his own monster become possessed by the mask which was left behind by Lumis's monster.
As it looks like Umbra and Lumis may have the advantage they need to win, Umbra activates a Magic card which allows him to control Valkyrion for one turn and orders it to attack Yugi, however before the attack can be completed Yugi reveals De-Fusion, a card which causes the Magna Warrior to separate back into its three individual magnet warriors. Kaiba, realising what just happened, tells the two Rare Hunters that they will soon be facing Obelisk and while the two masked duelists do not believe him they don't have much choice as Kaiba activates Soul Excahnge, offering the three Magnet Warriors as Tributes for his own God Card.
The mighty Obelisk the Tormentor rises from the ground and its power is so immense that even Marik is able to sense it from the dock. As Obelisk's summoning is completed, Kaiba attacks Umbra directly, eliminating him from the duel (Umbra's LP: 0). As if the power of the attack was not bad enough, the reading on Umbra's bomb also reaches zero and the bomb explodes, sending Umbra plummeting to his death. However the cheating Rare Hunter is prepared for the situation and activates a parachute concealed beneath his cloak to save himself.
However Kaiba is not finished yet as he wishes to make Lumis pay for what he has done as well, but as he prepares for a second attack Yugi tells him to stop, pointing out that Lumis has no will to fight any more. As the two demand answers from their cowering opponent, Marik takes control of the body and commends Kaiba on the power of the third God Card. As Marik introduces himself to the owner of the third God Card, he warns both duelists that they will be unable to defeat him in a duel now that he knows the cards in their decks.
As Kaiba wonders how the possessor of the third God card is able to control Lumis, Marik warns Yugi that he has set up another challenge for him now that he has taken control of his friends. He challenges Yugi to find and duel Joey to see who is really the better duelist, a challenge that Yugi is reluctant to accept. Meanwhile Kaiba begins to threaten Marik, demanding to know where Mokuba is but Marik has gone and only Lumis remains. Yugi asks Kaiba to help him find Joey and the others, but Kaiba is too concerned with the safety of his own brother to be bothered by Yugi's problems.
Searching Lumis's cloak, Kaiba discovers two Locator Cards and gives one to Yugi while taking the second for himself. He reminds Yugi that they now both have enough Locator Cards to enter the finals of the tournament, however Yugi tells his rival that he has no interest in the tournament until he finds Joey. As the two continue to talk, Mokuba arrives in a helicopter and tells Yugi that Tea has been captured, and told Seto that Tea helped him escape. So in return, Kaiba, uncharacteristically, offers to help Yugi find his friends.
As the trio head off in search of Joey, Tristan gets off the train at a station in order to pick up some food and only just gets back in time, carrying boxes full of food with him. Serenity was still worried that she wouldn't be able to see and asks Tristan if she is a nuisance to Joey and Tristan insists that she is not, however she is worried that she is always hassling her big brother and never offering him any support in return, but Tristan reassures her that she will be able to give Joey support when they get to Domino. What our friends don't know is that Joey is about to have the most crulest duel of his life against his best friend. Nor does Yugi realise just what is in store for him as Mokuba manages to track Joey to the harbour the harbour where Joey and Yugi went to Duelist Kingdom. The most deadlist duel is just around the corner...
~Tag Team TakeDown Pt.3~
Having managed to summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon despite the effect of Mask of Restrict,Yugi and Kaiba look like they might still have a chance to win the duel. However while Umbra and Lumis are shocked to see that Yugi and Kaiba worked together to summon the monster, Kaiba's monster is still weaker than their Masked Beast. But as Kaiba's turn continues, Yugi tells his team mate to attack despite the seeming disadvantage.
Although unsure whether he should trust Yugi or not, Kaiba decides to take the risk and attacks the Masked Duo's monster and to the surprise of all three duellists it is The Masked Beast which is destroyed. Lumis thinks Kaiba cheated somehow, but Yugi explains that when he activated Card Destruction, one of the cards that he discarded was his Beast of Gilfer, a monster which, when sent to the Graveyard, can reduce the ATK of any one monster on the field by 500 points.
Shocked by just how good a duellist Yugi is turning out to be, Kaiba incorrectly believes that if he agrees to co-operate with Yugi he will be forced to do what Yugi tells him and therefore refuses once again to work together. As Lumis's turn begins, he sets one monster and two other cards before ending his turn. Worried by the set cards, Yugi takes advantage of the new cards he got from playing Card Destruction and sets one card before summoning Alpha the Magnet Warrior (1400/1700). However his life points decrease by another 1000 points (Y's LP: 1500) thanks to the Mask cards which are still affecting him.
As Yugi attacks the set monster, Lumis decides not to activate either of his two set cards as he is waiting for Kaiba's Blue-Eyes to attack before using them. Even so, Umbra is worried that Kaiba's Blue-Eyes could cause some serious damage if Kaiba decided to attack on his next turn.
Meanwhile, back at the docks, Tea and Mokuba are discussing a possible way out and decide that the hole in the roof is still their best option, however while the two of them work on a plan to get out, Joey is in a separate room tied to a chair. As a robed figure (Odion) enters the room, Joey demands to know what is going on but the man tells him that he is better off not knowing.
As Joey continues to argue his case, Odion holds out his hand in front of Joey's face,Odion's master, Marik, who has been standing behind Joey all along uses the Millennium Rod to take over Joey's mind. The possessed Joey stops struggling as his eyes glass over and he loses all will of his own.
Back in the room where Tea and Mokuba were being held, the two have managed to stack the pile of boxes high enough to reach the hatch in the roof. However as Mokuba grabs at the ledge three Rare Hunters barge in, causing the tower to begin to collapse. As Mokuba climbs out of the opening, Tea falls to the floor in a shower of boxes but shouts to Mokuba, telling him to go and get Seto. A team of Rare Hunters head out into the dock area hoping to find Mokuba but are unable to locate him and he is able to get away safely.
Back at the duel, Umbra summons Rogue Doll (1600/1000). Kaiba is unimpressed by this, Yugi is worried that Lumis's set cards may mean that the Rogue Doll is able to destroy even Kaiba's Blue-Eyes. Sure enough, as Umbra orders his monster to attack. Lumis first activates the Mask of Weakness to reduce the Blue-Eyes' ATK to 2300 and then Mask of Brutality to raise Rouge Doll's ATK to 2600.
Suddenly worried about the possibility of his Blue-Eyes being destroyed, Kaiba is both surprised and thankful as Yugi reveals his own face-down card to be Mystical Refpanel. Redirecting the effect of the Mask of Brutality to Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the monster's ATK is increased to 3300 which is more than enough to destroy the Rouge Doll (Umbra's LP: 2000). Seto realizes that he needed Yugi's help weither he liked it or not, and finds out the true meaning of teamwork. As Umbra blames Lumis for the fact that his life points have been damaged, Yugi is pleased to see that the seemingly unbeatable partnership is breaking up under the strain and as Umbra sets one card he ends his turn.
Somewhere out of town, Tristan and Serenity rush to catch the train to Domino before it leaves and get there just in time. As the two step onto the train, Tristan tells Serenity that she can calm down now but she explains the she is too excited about seeing Joey to relax. Back at the dueling field, Kaiba is sure than he can win the match and attacks Umbra, however his attack is deflected by Umbra's Iron Wall Mask.
While Lumis is pleased that his partner was not destroyed, Kaiba warns Lumis that if he had attacked him instead of Umbra then Umbra would probably have not activated the card to block the attack. Umbra tries to deny this, but the suspiscion has been cast into Lumis's mind and the two begin to argue.
Back on the train, Serenity tells Tristan that she is worried about taking off the bandages and the she won't be able to do it unless Joey is there to give her courage. Unfortunately for Serenity, her big brother isn't in a very encouragin mood at the moment and as he enters the room where Tea has been strapped to a chair, he is unresponsive to her calls for help and as he steps out of the shadows Tea sees that his eyes have a blank, glassy expression thanks to the fact that he is being controlled by Marik, which she thought was Odion as he too steps into the room.
As the duel continues, Lumis plays Pot of Greed and then sets one card before activating Hand Exchange. Although the card usually requires a player to exchange his hand with that of their opponent, in a Tag Team duel the hands of any two players can be exchanged and Lumis, who has no cards in his hand, decides to exchange his hand with the three cards in Umbra's. With three cards now at his disposal, Lumis reveals his face-down card to be Chosen One.
Setting all three of the cards from his hand, Lumis explains that one of the cards will be chosen at random and if that card is a monster it will be summoned to the field automatically, even if it would normally require a Tribute in order to summon it. As the Mask Box slows to a halt, the card chosen by the spinner is, as Lumis hoped, Masked Beast Des Guardius (3300/2500). With a monster more powerful than anything that Yugi and Kaiba are able to summon, Lumis thinks that victory will soon be his, but Yugi had an alternative plan, but it'll only work if Lumis decides to attack Seto's Blue Eyes, something that Seto cannot handle so easilly. What will be Lumis's choice?
~Tag Team TakeDown Pt.2~
As the Tag Team duel continues, Lumis wastes no time in shutting down Yugi's means of attack by playing Mask of the Accursed (Magic), preventing Yugi's Magnet Warrior from attacking. However while the inability to attack is bad, Lumis is also pleased to tell Yugi that the card will cost Yugi 500 Life Points every turn. As Lumis sets one card and ends his turn, Yugi realises that Lumis is specialising in Magic and Trap cards and Umbra is presumably specialising in Monster cards.
The information is of no use to Yugi in his current situation, however, as his turn begins and Mask of the Accursed effect activates (Y's LP: 3500). If Yugi could tribute his Magnet Warrior the curse would lift, however as Yugi prepares to tribute it to summon his Beast of Gilfar, Lumis activates the Mask of Restrict (Trap), a card which prevents both Yugi and Kaiba from sacrificing any monsters as Tributes.
Unable to Tribute monsters, Yugi and Kaiba are prevented from summoning their God Cards or any other monsters strong enough to defeat Umbra's Shining Abyss, and Yugi ends his turn by summoning Kuriboh (300/200) and setting one card. Yugi tries to get Kaiba to agree to cooperate in order to win, but Kaiba refuses, confident that he can win on his own.
Umbra's second turn begins and although he is concerned about Kaiba's face-down cards, Lumis contact him by microphone hidden in his mask to tell him that he has nothing to worry about. Setting one card, Umbra orders his Shining Abyss to attack, but Kaiba takes the opportunity to flip his Trap card, Bell of Destruction. Preparing to destroy Umbra's monster and dealing him 2600LP of damage in the process, Kaiba is shocked when Umbra also activates a Trap card, Move the Trap to move Kaiba's Bell from Umbra's Shining Abyss onto Kaiba's own Vorse Raider.
As Kaiba's Vorse Raider is destroyed, he activates Defence Wheel to redirect the damage of the bell back at Umbra, however his opponent counters once again, activating Move the Spell to target the damage back at Kaiba (K's LP: 2100). With Kaiba's defences destroyed, Umbra prepares to finish off his first opponent and orders Shining Abyss to attack.
Meanwhile, Tristan arrives at the hospital by train and heads in to get Serenity and bring her back to Domino to see Joey. Serenity is excited to be leaving the hospital, but she was afriad that when she takes her bandages off she might not be able to see, but Tristan told her not to worry because of the surgeory she should be able to see. As they set off for Domino, Solomon is pleased that Bakura seems to be recovering, however his sleeping patient is not actually asleep at all now that Yami Bakura has taken control of the body once more.
Tea, meanwhile, has been trapped in a large room in some warehouse. Worried as to where Joey could have been taken, Tea wonders why either of them were taken in the first place and realises that the Rare Hunters must be using Yugi's friends to capture Yugi. Having realised this, Tea also senses that the battle is not about Duel Monsters but something much more serious, although she is not sure what.
Back at the tower, the blast from Umbra's Shining Abyss has been deflected by Yugi who has activated Multiply, saving Kaiba from defeat and death. Annoyed that Yugi thinks he needs help to win the duel, Kaiba tells Yugi not to help him any more but Yugi refuses, explaining that if one of them is defeated then the other one will quickly be finished off as well.
Trying to escape from the warehouse, Tea has staked up a large pile of cardboard boxes and has managed to reach a window high up near the ceiling, however she was not able to reach quite high enough to escape. As the unstable tower collapses, the door to the room opens and Mokuba is thrown in. Mokuba explains to Tea that he was captured while trying to find her and Joey and that two Rare Hunters are forcing Yugi and Kaiba to duel them in order to reclaim the God Cards.
Tea has not heard of the God Cards before and Mokuba briefly explains that Yugi and Kaiba both have one and that the Rare Hunters want them back.
As the duel continues, Kaiba draws one of his Blue-Eyes White Dragons but is unable to summon it because of the Mask of Restrict. Setting one card, he summons Battle Ox (1700/1000) in defence mode and ends his turn. With Yugi's Kuriboh continuing to Multiply, it looked like Umbra and Lumis will be unable to attack effectively, but as Lumis's turn begins he plays Mask of Dispel (Magic) to block the effect of Multiply and destroying all but the original Kuriboh. Not only that, but the effect of the Mask of Dispel will also cause Yugi's Life Points to drop by 500 each turn.
With only one Kuriboh remaining, Lumis will have no trobule destroying it as he summons Grand Tiki Leader (1500/800). Eliminating Yugi's monster, Lumis ends his turn and Yugi's begins with both of Lumis's masks effects activating (Y's LP: 2500). With no monsters in his hand with a Level less than 5, Yugi is unable to summon any monsters and contemplates using Card Destruction to draw a new hand, however he is worried that in doing so he may waste his only chance of winning if Kaiba has any useful cards in his hand.
As Yugi figures out what to do, Kaiba calls out to him, hinting that using Card Destruction wouldn't be a problem as far as he is concerned. Umbra and Lumis believe that the two are arguing again, but as Yugi sets one card and ends his turn they do not realise what the two were actually planning. As Umbra's turn begins, he activates Curse of the Masked Beast, tributing both Shining Abyss and Grand Tiki Leader in order to Ritual Summon The Masked Beast (3200/1800).
As the powerful monster attacks Yugi, hoping to eliminate him from the duel, Kaiba blocks the attack with his Battle Ox much to everyone's surprise. While Yugi hopes that he may be starting to cooperate, Kaiba insists that he only did it to repay the favour he owed Yugi's Kuriboh. Even so, Yugi takes the opportunity to activate Card Destruction, forcing all four players to discard their hands and draw five new cards.
But while Umbra and Lumis are furious at having to do this, Yugi is pleased that his Beast of Gilfar has been sent to the Graveyard while Kaiba takes the opportunity to activate his face-down card, Monster Reborn, to revive is Blue-Eyes White Dragon from the Graveyard. However while they may have found a way aroung the Mask of Restrict, the two may still be defeated if they do not start working together.
~Tag Team Takedown Pt. 1~
Having won enough Locator Cards to enter the finals, Joey phones his sister to tell her the good news. Unsurprisingly excited, Serenity is proud of her brother and tells him that she will be able to take her bandages off by tonight and the first thing she wanted to see was him dueling. Joey is thrilled to hear this news, but as he hangs up he realises that if he goes to get Serenity he might be too late to get a place in the finals. Eager to help, and also to spend more time with Serenity, Tristan offers to go and pick up Serenity for him and sets off for the hospital before Joey can object.
As Joey looks forward to the finals and his chance to duel Yugi for his Red-Eyes, Tea spots Bakura, injured, being helped by another person who she does not recognise. She, Joey and Solomon rush to see what is wrong and the person explains that they were attacked, however when they ask Bakura who attacked him he cannot remember. Deciding that Bakura needs to get to a hospital as quickly as possible, Solomon accompanies him in a taxi while Joey and Tea thank the boy who helped him. However as the group stand about talking, they did not realise that Yugi and Kaiba have just walked by on the other side of the road, heading to the Aquarium to meet up with Joey and the others.
Joey goes to greet the boy with a handshake but realises that they don't know each others names yet, but as Joey and Tea introduce themselves, the boy's name was Namu. Spotting that Namu is wearing a Duel Disk, Joey comments that the two of them could end up dueling each other, but not until the finals as Joey already has six Locator Cards. Namu is relieved that Joey already has enough cards, as he says that he is not very good.
As Joey and Tea prepare to head off, Namu,revealing to be Marik is contact mentally by two of his Rare Hunters who are preparing to challenge Yugi and Kaiba to reclaim the two remaining God Cards. Marik warned them not to fail but his Rare Hunters assure him that he will not have to worry about that once they get Obelisk the Tormentor back from him. As the Rare Hunters prepare to make their move, Marik warns them that he does not want Yugi dead yet as he plans to make him pay for the pain he has caused.
Marik decides that the time has come to get Tea and Joey involved and he calls for them to wait, asking Joey for some duelling tips. However as the three begin to talk again, the three members of the Rare Hunters who have been following Joey began to surround them, preparing to attack.
Meanwhile Yugi enters the Aquarium only to discover that Joey is no longer there. But as he tries to work out where his friend could have gone, Joey and the others are being attacked by the Rare Hunter trio. When the trio kicks Marik to the ground, Joey tries to stop them but they grab Tea and then knock him down as well.
Tea's mobile phone rings as Yugi calls her to see where she is. One of the three members of the Rare Hunters answers the phone before dropping it to the ground and destroying it. Worried that something has happened to his friends, Yugi remembers Marik's warning and tells Kaiba that they have to find Joey before something happens to him.
As Kaiba tries to insist that there is probably nothing wrong, Mokuba contacts him to tell him that Joey's Duel Disk doesn't seem to be traceable. But as he ends the transmission and prepares to head back to Kaibacorp HQ, Mokuba is intercepted by the same three Rare Hunter members, however this time they are accompanied by a fourth man, Odion.
Meanwhile, over at the hospital, the nurse treating Serenity realizes that this is the last day she will be in the hospital and asks her why, only to learn that Joey is coming to pick his sister up and that she can finally take her bandages off. The nurse is pleased that Serenity's eyes are improving and wishes her the best.
Back at Domino, Yugi and Kaiba are walking down a street until a cloaked Rare Hunter stops them and directs their attention to a helicopter, flying along the street, from which Mokuba is tied. Kaiba threatens to hurt the Rare Hunter if anything happens to his brother, but the Hunter is not worried as Kaiba has no way to hurt him. As the Rare Hunter prepares to leave, he tells Yugi and Kaiba that if they do not meet him at the top of a high tower nearby, Mokuba and Yugi's friends will all suffer. While neither duelist wishes to have to cooperate, they both know that they have no choice if they wish to save the ones they love.
As Yugi and Kaiba arrive at the dueling arena, a tower rooftop with a glass surface, their Rare Hunter opponents introduce themselves as Umbra and Lumis, a pair of masked duellists. The pair warn their opponents that they will win this duel and reclaim the God Cards that were taken from the Rare Hunters, and that when Yugi and Kaiba lose they will die as the glass platforms are riged to explosives that will detonate when a player's Life Points reach 0.
As the Tag Team duel begins, Lumis sets two cards and then passes to Yugi who summons Beta, the Magnet Warrior (1700/1600) in Defence Mode. As with Tag Team rules, none of the four players can attack on their first turn, and so Yugi passes to Umbra who summons Shining Abyss (1600/1800). However as Umbra's monster is summoned, Lumis activates Mask of Brutality (Magic), raising the monsters ATK by 1000 points. Umbra explains that the Mask of Brutality requires him to pay 1000 Life Points each turn, however as he plays Mask Puppet (Magic) Umbra is able to cancel this Life Point cost.
With a monster with an ATK of 2600 on the field, Kaiba and Yugi are both notably worried, however as Kaiba sets two cards he summons Vorse Raider (1900/1200), preparing to tribute it next turn to summon a stronger monster. But while Kaiba believes that victory will be easy once he is able to summon Obelisk the Tormentor, Yugi is not so sure, worried that unless he and Kaiba start to work as a team they will not be able to beat the power of teamwork that Umbra and Lumis are already using to their own advantage.
~ Tsunami's Rage Pt. 2 ~
As Joey and Mako continue the Duel, Joey uses Polymerization on Baby Dragon and Alligator Sword to create Alligator Sword Dragon, which can attack directly even if there are monsters on the field. Joey attacks once, and Mako sets a card face-down. Joey only had to make one more direct attack to win but Mako's face-down card turned out to be Tornado wall, which makes any damage to the LP will become zero. Afterwards, Mako summons the Legendary Fisherman which is ineffective against Traps, and Magic cards, and it destroyed Alligator Sword Dragon.
Joey wonders what has happened, Mako explains that while Umi remains on the field, this new monster cannot be affected by Magic or Trap cards, nor can it be attacked by any opposing monsters. Unsure of what to do, Joey sets a monster and ends his turn. Mako summons a monster and he uses his Fisherman to destroy Joey's, Tiny Guardian (1400/1800). However as the monster attacks, Joey realises that it looks almost human and Mako explains that it reminds him of his father.
A memory begins about what happened after his father disappear when Mako one day got a letter and the Card Legendary Fisherman, which had hi father's spirit. When Mako uses the card, it reminds him of his father and together have never lost a duel yet.
Joey was touched by the story but is still determined not to give up as he sets one card before also setting a monster. Mako plays the Fortress Whale's Oath (Ritual Magic Card), tribtuing seven levels worth of monsters to summon the mighty Fortress Whale (2350/2150).
Meanwhile, Marik and Yami Bakura are still at loggerheads in a back alley, until Yami Bakura suggests that the might as well try working together as they both seek the same thing, to destroy Yami Yugi and that the best way to bring him down was his friends.
Back at the Aquarium, Mako's Fortress Whale's stats are increased by Umi's effect, raising them to 2550/2350.The Legandary Fisherman destroys Joey's set monster, Mako's Fortress Whale attack Joey directly (J's LP: 500). Joey refuses to give up, determined to win the duel in order to challenge Yugi to win back his Red-Eyes Black Dragon. He tries to work out how he can win the duel, Joey realises that he can sometimes see the shadow of Mako's Fisherman within the water.
He uses this at his advantage, Joey sets two cards and summons his Panther Warrior (2000/1600) in attack mode.But since he has no other monsters on the field, Joey is unable to attack and is forced to end his turn. As Mako prepares to attack with the Fortress Whale, Joey activates Magic-Arm Shield (Trap Card), catching Mako's Fisherman and destroying that instead (M's LP: 900).
Devastated that his favourite card has been defeated, Mako prepares to surrender but Joey tells him to keep going until the end. Still disheartened, Mako refuses to continue until Joey tells him that it is what his father would have wanted, to duel with his heart and not give up at the first hurdle. Motivated by Joey's speech, Mako orders his Fortress Whale to attack, but as he does Joey activates Kunai with Chain and Legendary Sword, increasing his Warrior's ATK to 3300, destroying Mako's Whale (M's LP: 150).
But Mako activates Back to Life, and is able to resurrect one monster destroyed in his last turn. Joey is sure that Mako has revived the Fortress Whale, he activates Giant Trunade to return all Magic cards on the field to their players hands, he is stunned to see that Mako has instead revived his Legendary Fisherman.
Seeing his chance to win, Joey activates Scape Goat (Magic Card), and tributes one of them so that his Panther Warrior can attack, destroying Mako's Fisherman (M's LP: 0). Although he is devastated that his Fisherman was destroyed for the first and second times, Mako congratulates Joey on his victory and, as promised, offers him his two rarest cards, The Legendary Fisherman and Fortress Whale, as well as two Locator Cards. Joey tries to refuse to take Mako's favourite card, but he explains that he needs to be more independant and cannot do that as long as he keeps the card.
As the two set off on their separate paths, promising to meet again some day, Kaiba has picked up Joey's signal at the Aquarium and he and Yugi head off to find him.